Track Timer
ATTENTION EXISTING USERS! The version of Track Timer originally distributed with Script Timer 2.6.4 does not work with iTunes 11 due to some change made by Apple. It is not clear whether this is a bug or deliberate. I am working on a way to get around this. In the meantime, I have created a modified version of Track Timer that seems to function in iTunes 11, albeit without the ability to shuffle tracks in a playlist.This modified version is now included in the distribution disk image as well as the original for new users.
Instructions for Use - only for existing users who download the modified version separately.
1. Navigate to your Items to Schedule folder. (If you need to access your Library folder, in Finder hold down the option/alt key and choose "Library" from the Go menu, then navigate to your Items to Schedule folder in Application Support/Script Timer.)
2. Rename the Track Timer script to something else (e.g. ‘Track Timer original’)
2. Unzip the ‘Track Timer modified’ script and rename it Track Timer.
4. Place the renamed script in your Items to Schedule folder.
5. If Script Timer is running, quit and restart.
• is an AppleScript script that provides an interface between the extensive scheduling capabilities of Script Timer and the audio and visual media management of iTunes
• comes bundled with Script Timer
• plays any number of iTunes play lists or audio streams with all the scheduling options of Script Timer
• plays any number of tracks from any play list in any order
• supports iTunes' random track and shuffle features
• includes features making it suitable to automatically run a simple "radio" station in conjunction with iTunes and Script Timer
• allows volume control on a play list by play list basis
• includes a set of small helper scripts for controlling iTunes that can be used to take advantage of Script Timer's dynamic scheduling feature, now including sound volume ramping during play
• controls the duration of audio stream play through Script Timer's dynamic scheduling capability and the included 'stopiTunes' AppleScript script
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ATTENTION EXISTING USERS! The version of Track Timer originally distributed with Script Timer 2.6.4 does not work with iTunes 11 due to some change made by Apple. It is not clear whether this is a bug or deliberate. I am working on a way to get around this. In the meantime, I have created a modified version of Track Timer that seems to function in iTunes 11, albeit without the ability to shuffle tracks in a playlist.This modified version is now included in the distribution disk image as well as the original for new users.
Instructions for Use - only for existing users who download the modified version separately.
1. Navigate to your Items to Schedule folder. (If you need to access your Library folder, in Finder hold down the option/alt key and choose "Library" from the Go menu, then navigate to your Items to Schedule folder in Application Support/Script Timer.)
2. Rename the Track Timer script to something else (e.g. ‘Track Timer original’)
2. Unzip the ‘Track Timer modified’ script and rename it Track Timer.
4. Place the renamed script in your Items to Schedule folder.
5. If Script Timer is running, quit and restart.
• is an AppleScript script that provides an interface between the extensive scheduling capabilities of Script Timer and the audio and visual media management of iTunes
• comes bundled with Script Timer
• plays any number of iTunes play lists or audio streams with all the scheduling options of Script Timer
• plays any number of tracks from any play list in any order
• supports iTunes' random track and shuffle features
• includes features making it suitable to automatically run a simple "radio" station in conjunction with iTunes and Script Timer
• allows volume control on a play list by play list basis
• includes a set of small helper scripts for controlling iTunes that can be used to take advantage of Script Timer's dynamic scheduling feature, now including sound volume ramping during play
• controls the duration of audio stream play through Script Timer's dynamic scheduling capability and the included 'stopiTunes' AppleScript script
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