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Track Timer

Frequently Asked Questions

Track Timer Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use Track Timer independent of Script Timer?
To take full advantage of the capabilities of Track Timer, such as the use of dynamic scheduling to stop an audio stream, it needs to be scheduled with Script Timer. Track Timer could be run with another program capable of running AppleScript scripts (a script runner) that supports passing parameters to the script. However, unless the alternate script runner has a scheduling function, there is no advantage to using it compared to using iTunes directly.

2. Can I run Track Timer from Script Editor?
No. In the first place, Script Editor can't handle scripts with parameters, and secondly, Track Timer is distributed in run-only form as it contains some proprietary algorithms so it will not even open in Script Editor.

3. Can I schedule more than one play list to start consecutively from a given time?
Yes, by taking advantage of Track Timer's ability to use the dynamic scheduling feature of Script Timer. You simply pass Track Timer to itself as the object of the action to run upon completion of the first play list, supplying the name of the second play list as a parameter.

3a. Can I schedule a continuous flow of randomly selected tracks interspersed with specific tracks, such as I might want for an Internet "radio station"?
Yes. You can use a combination of the 'r' parameter (introduced in Track Timer Revision 4, bundled with Script Timer 2.3 and later) and Script Timer's dynamic scheduling feature. See the "About Track Timer" file that accompanies Track Timer.

4. Could I use Track Timer to make an alternative to an electronic carillon?
Yes. The combination of Track Timer, Script Timer, iTunes, and a sound system can be used to make a low cost alternative carillon. The first such system has been running successfully since 2003. See this page for further details.

5. I’m trying to use the “a=repeat” parameter to continuously repeat my playlist, but it doesn’t work. Why?
This problem occurs when using Revision 6 of Track Timer (version 2.6 of Script Timer) in OS X 10.5 and later. Upgrade to Revision 7 (version 2.6.1 and later of Script Timer).

6. I’m using the ‘f’ parameter and storing my play list name and other input parameters in a plain text file. I get an error message saying the play list could not be found. The name of the play list is in Oriental characters. What is going on?
You are using Revision 6 of Track Timer (version 2.6 of Script Timer) and you did not save the text file as UTF-16 (2 byte Unicode). Resave the file as UTF-16 (e.g. use “Save As...” in TextEdit and choose from the popup menu), or upgrade to version 2.6.2 or higher of Script Timer, which allows for eight and sixteen bit plain text files..

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